Monday, January 24, 2011

Zip file? Unzip file? File compression software?

Last week one of my lab group members was sending her lab report for me to check through. During the time I downloading her attachment, I didn’t notice that she was sending me a file. After the downloading, as usual I will sit in front of my lappie with my spec (sound like so professional XD muahahaha) and prepared to go through the work. When I was clicking on the file, it didn’t show any responds (can’t open). I click and click and click until I feel so annoyed. At this moment, my brother came back from work, he saw me non-stop clicking the mouse at the file so he stand behind me and said:

Brother: B (since I was a child he always cal me B, B= baby), what are you doing ar?

Me: Wah... scared me... When you came back de o? Doing my lab report lor... So annoyed de lor

Brother: I just got back nia... Why you keep clicking on the mouse? =] doing some finger exercise ar? Lol =D

Me: (Finger exercise?! I was like ‘sweat’ at that time.) No lar =.= I can’t open this stupid file (annoyed till want gone crazy ady). Don’t want do liao!!

Brother: So fast give up meh? Can’t open the file? Where? Let me see see.

I almost forget my brother is an IT engineer, so I just wake up and let my brother sit at my place. After few seconds, my brother smile and look at me.

Brother: Baka (is a Japanese word mean stupid), of cause u can’t open the file because it is a zip file. You need the software to extract it 1st then only can open it.

Me: @@ zip file? Extract? Apa itu? (If you were there, you can see a lot of question mark showing on my face).

Brother: After I take my shower then only help you download the software. Problem solves. Hahaha (he feel so proud after helping me. 1 word to describe him à syok sendiri =P)

After my bro took his bath, he came out and helps me download the file compression software and extract the file.

So, at 1st what is zip file? Zip file is a single file that contains one or more compressed files. Usually the compressed files contain large data of file. Peoples used zip files to compress the data, make it easy to keep all the related files together into a single zip file and send them out by e-mail. It not only can save time and space, it also make downloading software and transferring email attachments much faster.

Now I am using the WinRaR 4.0 Beta 5 in my lappie. According to my bro, he said this is the most popular file compression software brand using in the society now. WinRaR also been known as the powerful archive manager. It is a product of RARLAB; it help backup the user’s data, reduce the size of email attachments, decompress the RAR, ZIP and other files which downloaded from Internet and even can create new archives in RAR and ZIP file format. Actually, all file compression software supports compression for common file types and extensions including Word DOC(X), Excel XLS(X); photo JPEG, GIF, TIF, BMP; music MP3, WMA, text TXT; executables EXE, PDF, rich text RTF, PowerPoint PPT and more. But the amazing part about WinRaR is it can support files and archive up to 8,589 billion gigabytes in size! The number of archived files is, for all practical purposes, unlimited. User can create self-extracting and multivolume archives. The recovery record and recovery volume feature allows user to reconstruct even though there is physically damaged archives.

Actually, there is nothing special about WinRAR’s basic features. Like most of the file compression programs, WinRAR includes the ability to create self-extracting files, split archives into multiple volumes and repair damaged files. But, there a special feature about WinRaR where it can convert archives from ZIP to RAR and vice versa. WinRAR is fully functional under Windows Explorer. As it is quite surprised to find that a folder can be compress and email using Windows Explorer as the others file compressor software can’t work well under Windows Explorer. However, that is not an option to email an archive or compress and email directly within the application.

When come to unique features, WinRaR include automatically detecting the type of files you are compressing and adjusting the compression rate accordingly. It also helps you in organizing the compressed archives. What made WinRAR so unique is it is one from the two file compression programs that included a built-in virus scanner. Whenever there is a file, WinRAR will scan through your archives for viruses before you extract the files.

When come to compression format, to tell the truth WinRAR’s compression options are limited as WinRAR can only compress files into ZIP and RAR archives. But, these 2 types of file are the most popular file archives in the world and it is unlikely for a computer user to compress their files into anything else other than a ZIP or RAR. Although WinRAR only can compress certain type of archives but it can extract a number of different archives. WinRAR can support the extraction for a total of 13 archives and files including 7Zip, TAR, ACE and CAB (not to mention RAR and ZIP). WinRAR’s extraction support is more than adequate for almost all levels of computer users.

Others benefits about WinRaR included:

· authenticity verification

· NTFS and Unicode support

· strong AES encryption

· command line and graphical interface

· drag-and-drop facility

· wizard interface

· theme support

· folder tree panel

· multithread support

· Windows x64 shell integration

As the conclusion, WinRAR is a very popular program among those who need an archive alternative to ZIP. Although it is found the file compression program is less efficiency than its competitors such as WinZip and ALZip, but WinRAR is arguably and believe by many users that it is the powerful program and better suited for power-users.