Thursday, January 20, 2011

I Can’t Live Without U, Instant Messaging Software…

As you can see from my post title, today my post will be Instant Messaging software. I believe that nowadays many people (included me) can’t ‘survive’ without Instant Messaging software. Instant messaging (which also known as IM) is an exchange of text messages through a software application that happens in real-time. It is exactly same as the conversations between people but it just chat over the internet. IM has become increasingly popular day by day as it can be personal and business used. Besides, IM is much faster in responding than e-mail as the users can quickly respond in questions or comments. The instant messaging now has slowly takes over the telephone as the primary method of "reaching out and touching someone." This is because it can always keep in touch and stay tune with your beloved family members and friends while saving money on your long distance phone bills. Moreover, another ‘fun’ part about IM is the users can create their own buddy lists and invite those people they wish/choose to invite such as friends, families and co-workers and have the conversations in their own private chat room.

The most popular and common instant messaging software in today’s society are:

  • Skype
  • Yahoo Messenger
  • MSN Messenger
  • ICQ (I Seek You)

Normally, every IM network provider will create its own instant messaging software. Therefore, the IM software that just mentioned at the above will have their own software and application and these applications are usually free to download. Although it is free to used, but there is 1 and only 1 condition which is the users must be on9 at the same time and using the same software application. For instance, if you are using MSN, your friend must be using MSN too, in order to have the conversation. If both of you using the different IM software, sorry to said that the conversation could not be carried out. When you send an instant message, the receiver is instantly notified that she/he has a message by alert and the vice versa (when you receive instant message from others). Since the technology is getting advanced, the IM software such as MSN and Skype now is allowing voice messaging, file sharing and even video chat (for this application, both users must have web cameras). This has attracts more and more people to used IM software instead of using mobile phone. Developments in mobile cellular phone technology now also allow handset users to always be connected with each other via IM. Popular devices such as the iPhone 3, iPhone 4, blackberry, HTC and other smartphones now is build in with those software application.

As I mentioned early, many people especially teenagers and students can’t get rid themselves away from IM software. Few years back till nowadays, many users included me seems like addicted to MSN messenger. As more and more people switch over, it becomes a common practice for me and my friends to keep the MSN messenger on while our computer is on. In fact, MSN messenger had become the most popular instant messaging service throughout the world. There are many advantages of using MSN messenger. One of the advantages of using MSN is you can chit-chat with friends and family for long hour with no fees require. This has become the ‘highlighted’ advantage in attracting the students to use MSN messenger because the students can take this opportunity to ask their friends about their homework if they don’t understand or discuss the assignments. This can be easily done by just seeing if their friends are connected (online) and text them in MSN. MSN not only can be used by people just to contact their friends and family, but nowadays many companies also apply this software for the employers to easily contact and keep in touch with their staff or employees. Besides, MSN messenger is easy to use, easy to install and the users can add as many contacts as they wish. When your friends are log in into the MSN messenger, the buddy’s lists that you create will immediately showing your friends’ status (such as online, busy, and away). Now you can chit chat with those contacts that are online+ing. You can even leave a message for your friends when the contact is showing offline, the message will deliver to the contact once she/he log in into MSN messenger. The coolest part is you can even share and send the files from your computer to your contacts and friends, such as pictures, video, writing document and any content that you wish to share.

This picture is showing the contact's list in MSN messenger and the conversation between with friends =)

Feel bored and tired in typing the text message? Now you can even have webcam showing and webcam video calls (providing the users and contacts have webcam and microphones). Feel dull about your MSN messenger’s background and contact’s layout? Now you can customized and design them with your favourite wall paper or pictures. As I said MSN messenger is easy to used and install because if you have a Hotmail account, you can just go into any MSN messenger free download website, clicking the ‘download’ button, wait for few minutes to install and run the software program and that’s all of it, simple and quick + the software are totally free to download, doesn’t it sound awesome to you? =D. After that, you can just sign in into your MSN messenger account, start adding friends and straight away you can start your conversation.

The picture at the above is showing the used of webcam conferencing while the pictures at the below is showing the webcam video call =)

What if you don’t have a Hotmail account? Don’t worry as you still can enjoy this awesome software by just going into the main page of Hotmail site which is the, follow some easy, well-explained steps and start create a Hotmail account. Creating a Hot mail account is also free. When log in into the main page of Hotmail site, you can see that MSN also providing many categories information for the users. For instance, there is a news page in MSN web pages where the users can get the latest info on current events, services, news, politic and so on. When you click into the lifestyle page, you can known where is the latest places to shop, links to websites of the coolest shop and they also provide online shopping services. You can even find your job and do some investing through there under the money page.

MSN programs have provided different version software for the users to download such as Windows Messenger, Messenger 7.5, Windows Live Messenger and etc. If you ask for my opinion, I will recommend you to download the latest one which is the Windows Live Messenger as you can get a lots of new smiley, new games, more option in customize the layout and it also updated with many new stuff.

If you don’t have a MSN messenger account, why don’t you start create 1 from today? =)